My name is Su.

How do you do?

I’m a 100% plant-based nutritional therapist based in London, but working online. 

Replenished means to fill something up or to make something complete again; that’s my philosophy on nutrition. Very few of us grew up on a clean, healthy diet and, as adults, we need to put our health into our own hands, replenishing our body with the nutrients it needs to be at our healthiest.

How do I know this? Because I’m living it. 

I grew up eating the Standard American Diet (the SAD diet) of fast food, beige meals and not a lot of vegetables. Before I went vegan, I was lactose intolerant and gluten intolerant, and I could put on weight like nobody’s business. Years of eating this way created inflammation and increased intestinal permeability (aka leaky gut), and I’ve been on a journey for the last eight years trying to repair the damage done to my gut.

By age 18, I was also experiencing:

    • Laryngopharyngeal Reflux
    • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)
    • Scoliosis (spine curvature)
    • Lactose intolerance
    • Stress (I got my first grey hair at 17)
    • Irregular periods

Truthfully, I was sleepwalking my way into poor health. I spoke to doctors, took medication and continued doing what I was doing, oblivious to the impact it was having on me. I spent 25 years working as a photojournalist, constantly running from assignment to assignment and eating whatever food I could shove into my mouth while driving. It’s no surprise that my health suffered for my career. 

Something had to change.

So in December 2014, I took a massive step that changed my life – I became vegan. By concentrating on what I was putting in my body, I immediately felt better. Taking dairy out of my diet made an instant difference. I stopped needing to take my acid reflux medication (dairy is incredibly inflammatory) and for the first time, I felt like nutrition was the answer. It was my eureka moment.

From there, my journey to optimum health brought me to my new path as a naturopathic nutritional therapist. Now I’m focused on helping others to demystify what’s going on with their health and get them on the best possible track towards living a healthy, happy and long life through nutrition.

As you’ve read,  I’ve suffered from weight gain, poor nutrition, bowel problems and more, so I know what you’re going through.  By working with me I’ll help you understand what it takes to feel your best on a plant-based diet. By using a blend of traditional nutritional therapy and nutrition coaching, I will be with you every step of the way towards achieving your health goals. 

I can’t wait to start working with you on your journey to feeling replenished ♡

My name is Su.

How do you do?

I’m a 100% plant-based nutritional therapist based in London, but working online. 

Replenished means to fill something up or to make something complete again; that’s my philosophy on nutrition. Very few of us grew up on a clean, healthy diet and, as adults, we need to put our health into our own hands, replenishing our body with the nutrients it needs to be at our healthiest.

How do I know this? Because I’m living it. 

I grew up eating the Standard American Diet (the SAD diet) of fast food, beige meals and not a lot of vegetables. Before I went vegan, I was lactose intolerant and gluten intolerant, and I could put on weight like nobody’s business. Years of eating this way created inflammation and increased intestinal permeability (aka leaky gut), and I’ve been on a journey for the last eight years trying to repair the damage done to my gut.

By age 18, I was also experiencing:

    • Laryngopharyngeal Reflux
    • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)
    • Scoliosis (spine curvature)
    • Lactose intolerance
    • Stress (I got my first grey hair at 17)
    • Irregular periods

Truthfully, I was sleepwalking my way into poor health. I spoke to doctors, took medication and continued doing what I was doing, oblivious to the impact it was having on me. I spent 25 years working as a photojournalist, constantly running from assignment to assignment and eating whatever food I could shove into my mouth while driving. It’s no surprise that my health suffered for my career. 

Something had to change.

So in December 2014, I took a massive step that changed my life – I became vegan. By concentrating on what I was putting in my body, I immediately felt better. Taking dairy out of my diet made an instant difference. I stopped needing to take my acid reflux medication (dairy is incredibly inflammatory) and for the first time, I felt like nutrition was the answer. It was my eureka moment.

From there, my journey to optimum health brought me to my new path as a naturopathic nutritional therapist. Now I’m focused on helping others to demystify what’s going on with their health and get them on the best possible track towards living a healthy, happy and long life through nutrition.

As you’ve read,  I’ve suffered from weight gain, poor nutrition, bowel problems and more, so I know what you’re going through.  By working with me I’ll help you understand what it takes to feel your best on a plant-based diet. By using a blend of traditional nutritional therapy and nutrition coaching, I will be with you every step of the way towards achieving your health goals. 

I can’t wait to start working with you on your journey to feeling replenished ♡