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Monday – Friday 7 pm – 9 pm
Saturday – Sunday 9 am – 12pm

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Sunday 9 am – 4 pm

Things you may want to know

What is a plant-based diet?

A plant-based diet consists of foods from plant sources such as fruits and vegetables, pulses, wholegrains, pulses, nuts and seeds. Some people worry you’ll be eating lentils all day every day or living off salads. While you will eat lentils and salads, you’ll also be introduced to nearly a hundred new recipes over our three months of working together,  including a diverse spread of nourishing whole foods.

What is nutritional therapy?

The ethos of food as medicine is at the centre of what nutritional therapy is about.

Nutritional therapy combines the use of food, supplements, and lifestyle advice tailored just for you and your unique needs. It requires a careful case history to piece together your past and present nutritional needs in order to optimise your future health.

Combining this with health coaching provides well-rounded support for you to reach your health goals, which can include weight management, chronic symptom support, optimal sports function and more.

What’s the difference between plant-based, vegetarian/vegan...?
Vegan  Eliminates all animal foods
Plant-based Focuses on foods from plant sources such as fruits and vegetables, pulses, wholegrains, pulses, nuts and seeds
Lacto-ovo-vegetarian Eliminates meat, fish and poultry, allows eggs and dairy products
Lacto-vegetarian Eliminates meat, fish and poultry, allows dairy products, no eggs
Ovo-vegetarian Eliminates meat, fish and poultry, allows eggs, no dairy
Pescatarian Same as lacto-ovo-vegetarian plus allows fish and seafood
Flexitarian Same as eats lacto-ovo-vegetarian plus allows occasional meat, poultry, ïŹsh, and seafood
Omivore Eats both plant food and food of animal origin
Will I need to take supplements?

I follow a food-first policy, but some nutrients are difficult to get on a 100% plant-based diet, so some supplementation is necessary. Vitamin B12 is virtually impossible to get unless we eat our food with the soil from where it grew (but this only works if the soil is organic). Vitamin D3, essential fatty acids, and the amino acid choline are also difficult to obtain from a plant-based diet and may need to be supplemented.

You are unique, and your body might process nutrients differently than others, so some additional supplementation may be necessary, but let’s try food first and then see how you feel.

Will I need functional testing?

This will depend on your condition and what you’re trying to achieve. If you have IBS or acid reflux, most of your symptoms can be addressed with diet and lifestyle changes. A stool test can be used to look for an imbalance of bacteria in your gut, but this wouldn’t be the first port of call. If you have fatigue, for example, a GP blood test could be a starting point. Typical blood tests don’t always delve into specific blood markers, so additional testing could be valuable. Everyone is different so testing is something that would be discussed during your consultation if it would benefit you. The cost of functional testing is not included in the foundational packages or any consultations.

Do I have to be vegan to work with you?

No. I’m a fully plant-based nutritionist, but I will meet you wherever you are on your health journey and together we can create a plan that works for you. In fact, plants are often the basis for non-plant-based nutritionists too!

Will eating a plant-based diet make me vegan?

It depends. Veganism is a lifestyle and though vegans eat a 100% plant-based diet, they also make sure their clothing, shoes, toiletries, etc
 are cruelty-free and don’t contain animal products. If this is a path you are interested in, then yes, you can become vegan. If you’re interested in reducing animal product consumption or are keen to ensure you’re having a balanced and nutritious diet, then it won’t make you vegan, it’ll make you health conscious.